Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Family support programs thrive in a community where resources, leadership, and caring come together in response to real problems and real opportunities. Recognizing the importance of the total family in educational success, Maxwell offers a Family Resource Center to enhance students' abilities to succeed in school by assisting youngsters and their families with access to community programs.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Ashland/Maxwell Family Resource Center is here to assist you! If you are in need of assistance with clothing for school, food assistance, holiday assistance or other, please complete our Needs Assistance Survey by checking which area(s) would be most helpful to you. Completing this form does NOT guarantee services for any of the areas listed below, nor does it sign you up for specific programs. If given the opportunity to sign up for any of the below programs, you will receive a permission form for each of the individual assistance programs. If you decide not to complete the form but need help in the future as financial situations do change, contact Ms. Jermeia anytime at 381-3246/ 381-3516 or by email at Please complete this form by September 4th.
The Team Kentucky Fund was established by Governor Beshear to provide assistance to Kentuckians who have been severely financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic including financial assistance for the following:
With the partnership between Community Action Kentucky, we’re able to utilize its statewide network and reach all 120 Kentucky counties. If you are a family in need, please file a claim by visiting and hit the "file a claim" button.
UPDATE on 2021 Summer EBT and Child Care P-EBT
Please see this document for parents facing possible eviction and in need of assistance.